Healthy Teeth, Happy Smiles help nurseries and schools in Leicester to deliver a daily supervised toothbrushing programme.
Supervised toothbrushing is a 5-10 minute daily activity conducted within the classroom under staff supervision. This not only promotes awareness of oral health but also helps to address oral health inequalities within the city.
Why do we do it
In Leicester, 38.6% of five-year-old children suffer from decayed, missing, or filled teeth—significantly higher than the average in England. Dental problems can lead to:
- Pain
- Confidence issues
- Speech difficulties
- Challenges in eating or drinking
- Increased school absenteeism due to hospital extractions
Supervised toothbrushing is a proven, evidence-based intervention designed to reduce the prevalence of decayed teeth in children.
What will you receive?
- One-to-one tailored training
- Free annual delivery of supervised toothbrushing resources, including toothpaste, toothbrushes and toothbrushing racks
- Access to our resource catalogue, enabling you to borrow oral health-related items such as a play dentist’s chair and giant mouth and brush models
- Unlimited support to help you establish and maintain toothbrushing in your setting
This program, completed daily in 5 to 10 minutes, can significantly improve children’s oral health.
Get involved in supervised toothbrushing
If you are a school or nursery and would like more information about supervised toothbrushing and how your setting can join, email us today!