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Eating well

Making healthy choices in what you eat can help give you energy and the right nutrients to keep going. There are lots of tools, resources, and support services available to help you feel your best.

To stay at a healthy weight, you need to eat a diet that is balanced. Balanced means eating a variety of foods, in the correct amount. A diet that is balanced can help reduce the risk of several health conditions including heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes.

What makes up a balance diet?

  • Eating at least 5 portions of a variety of fruits and vegetables everyday
  • Base meals on high fibre starchy foods such as bread, potatoes, brown rice or whole wheat pasta
  • Include some dairy or dairy alternatives
  • Eating beans, pulses, fish, lean meat, eggs and other sources of protein
  • Eating a small amount of unsaturated oils and spreads
  • Aim to drink 6-8 glasses of fluids every day

Where can I go for more healthy eating support?

The NHS website has a variety of resources which can help you achieve a more balanced diet:

Shopping for food and preparing food

  • Food labels contain key information about what nutrients are in food and how they relate to the portion size of the food and how they might fit into your daily diet using the traffic light system
  • The Food Scanner app can help you see how much sugar, salt and saturated fat is inside your food and drink
  • Food safety and hygiene skills should be used by the whole family like washing hands before eating and making sure food is prepared in a safe way.

Healthy, balanced South Asian diets

Healthy, balanced African, Afro-Caribbean or Caribbean diets

If you cook and eat African or Afro-Caribbean food, this booklet includes tips on having healthier options, as well information on healthy eating for African and Caribbean individuals.

For people looking to address cholesterol or lower blood pressure, there is information available to help:

As well as the NHS eat well guide, you can use the African and Caribbean eat well guide to plan your balanced meals.

Start your health and wellbeing journey today

If you’re ready to improve your health and wellbeing, why not complete our self-assessment? All you need to do is answer a few questions about your health and tell us your wellbeing goals.

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