Other substance abuse services in Leicester
Turning Point young people service
Turning Point has a dedicated young people’s team who can work with you in any suitable location. The young people’s team can help you to find out the facts about drugs and alcohol use and help you to make changes. This team can also help you if you’re being affected by someone else’s substance use such as family or friends.
Visit Turning Point’s website to get started on your road to recovery today or call the team on 0330 303 6000.
Leicester Recovery Hub (No.5)
No.5 is a centre that provides a safe place for people who are homeless or have accommodation problems, who are experiencing substance use issues. No.5 also offers support for street drinkers, housing advice, activities, and access to facilities such as washing and the internet.
Spinney Hill Drugs, Alcohol and Addiction Support
Spinney Hill Drug and Alcohol Addiction support was established to address increasing numbers of people with addiction issues, including drugs, alcohol, and gambling. Born from a need to create a community based, culturally sensitive service, the organisation offers holistic therapy designed to address the overall wellbeing of service users. The service has both male and female volunteers to support everyone affected by addiction, including family support.
Dear Albert
A local organisation set up to help people to take their first steps towards recovery, Dear Albert is run by people with lived experience of substance use. Dear Albert offers support with group sessions, helpline and text message service, and running peer led sessions. Dear Albert also runs the Recovery Bites café.
Call their helpline on 0800 830 3646.
Sikh Recovery Network
The Sikh Recovery Network supports people to access alcohol or drug treatment services in Leicester, with a spiritual focus for those from a Sikh background. The network offers support, advice and activities for those wishing to begin their recovery journey.
Call them on 0333 006 4414 for support.
National Support Services
There are also a number of support and advice services that are available that operate nationally, and are not Leicester specific that offer up to date information and resources about substance use.
Find out everything you need to know about drugs, their effects, and the law, and get support and advice on substances by using the ‘Talk to Frank’ service.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
If you think you might have a problem with your drinking, or it has reached the point your drinking is worrying you, and you don’t want to reach out to a Leicester specific service you can contact Alcoholics Anonymous GB. AA offer a range of services including live web chat, email support, and meetings.
Narcotics Anonymous in the UK (UKNA)
If you have a problem with substance use and you don’t want to reach out to a Leicester specific service, you can contact UKNA. They offer a range of services including face to face or online meetings, resources, and events.
For support, call their helpline on 0300 999 1212.
DrinkAware Trust is an independent service providing facts and advice to help people make informed choices about drinking alcohol, with the aim to encourage safe drinking. Resources include a unit and calorie calculator, drinking checks, and advice on how to support other people.
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